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Energy Clearing

When we clean our homes, we get rid of any grime or dust. While the advantages of keeping our space tidy are indisputable, we can also benefit from cleansing our home’s energy. 

Everything is made of energy, so our homes also have an energetic element. 

The places we occupy and the belongings we store there soak up the energies of our exchanges, ideas, and moods—and not only ours, but those of everyone we live with. All parts of the house absorb these energies: from the foundation and walls to the carpets and furniture. And if these energies are negative, they can continue to negatively impact us by seeping out of these things into which they have been absorbed. Take note: even the negative energies of previous occupants can impact the current occupants of a space!

For most, the home is a safe spot where we go to recuperate—it’s a sanctuary. The energies in our homes should therefore align with this. On the same token, the negative effects of the wrong energies can seep into the quality of our sleep, our love lives, and our relationships, and they can even influence how we are doing financially. 

A space clearing can help you find out if you are being influenced by negative energies that have taken up residence in your home. If you so desire, you can learn more about their substance and their origin, which will allow you to remove those old energies that have lingering effects. Commissioning a cleansing can also protect your space from future negative energies that may attempt to re-enter. 

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I often receive messages from energetically sensitive people who claim to be influenced by the negative energies in their space. Many of them have tried the go-to ways to clear these negative energies, such as burning sage or incense, using Tibetan singing bowls or cymbals, and applying crystals or sea salt. These methods generally provide only temporary relief, if any. 

 A space clearing, on the other hand, offers long-term respite and protection. Do you need a space clearing?

Here are some signs that you likely do:

  • You’ve moved into a new space, but it doesn’t quite feel like home yet

  • A partner, spouse, or roommate has moved out after a breakup or divorce

  • A negative event has happened to you recently, or you experience very strong, ongoing negative feelings or thoughts when you are at home

  • Someone fell ill or died in the home

  • You feel as if you’re at a new beginning in your life and would like to refresh the energies in your home in order to reflect that

  • Someone has smoked cannabis, gotten high, or struggled with an addiction in the space or building you reside in

  • You are attempting to sell a property

  • You’ve encountered what might be unexplained spiritual phenomena on the property

  • A Ouija board has been used on the property

  • Children in the home experience frequent nightmares/night terrors and are generally afraid of being in the space

  • You’re an empath, clairsentient, medium, healer, or sensitive individual who senses there is something in your space that is affecting you, and you want a more permanent and advanced way to keep those negative energies away

Energy Clearing

When we clean our homes, we get rid of any grime or dust. While the advantages of keeping our space tidy are indisputable, we can also benefit from cleansing our home’s energy. 

Everything is made of energy, so our homes also have an energetic element.

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