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Astrological Reports

You will find here 14 different astrological reports which will guide you through all the different stages of your life: past lives, birth of a child, new love, what’s to come, finances, retirement, moving/relocating, health, or how to understand your new pet, just to name a few.

Whatever your question, there is certainly an astrological report that will answer your deepest questions for a fraction of the cost of an astrological consultation!

Reports are sent to you electronically as PDF within 24 hours upon reception of your payment, or even the same day. Astrological reports vary on average from 20 to 40 pages in length.

The types of reports that Yves can prepare include:


The Child*Star Report

Wouldn't it be nice if at every new birth the parents were given a manual explaining exactly how to raise their new child to be a healthy, happy, fulfilled human being?


sky log report

What is in store for you during the next twelve months? The Sky Log is a 12 Month Forecast report that gives and explains a precise time frame for the events you are likely to experience and/or feel during the next twelve months, starting from today.


Astrological Portrait

A comprehensive psycho-astrological portrait that specifies a detailed delineation of dominants and planetary repartitions, followed by a comprehensive psychological portrait.


Prosperity Report

This report provides you with the keys to your own unique potential for living a financially prosperous life, and you can use these insights to "plant new seeds", so to speak, in your subconscious mind.


Personal Growth Report for Men & Women

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the birth chart and includes suggestions on how to improve your life as well. The Adult Report analyzes issues of importance to adults, including marriage and sexuality.


Pet Report

You’re curious to know more about your furry friend, and now you can with the Pet Report!


Past Life Report

The Past Life Analysis focuses on the Moon's nodes and Saturn and includes interpretations of many other factors in the natal chart.


The Solar return Report

Astrological forecasting is not new. In fact, the methodological insights it provides are the key reason people have consulted Astrologers throughout history.


Just for Women

The Just for Women report combines multiple aspects of your chart and carefully weighs one against the other to develop its interpretations from the perspective of a woman living within an ever-changing, ever more demanding world.


Love Relationship Analysis

This report offers the most comprehensive analysis of a couple's affinities, including two people’s compatibility ratings and their astrological portraits with interpretations and psychological and karmic analysis.


Vertex Report – Purpose and Destiny

This report helps you understand how a larger sense of purpose and destiny works in your life. Every person sometimes finds himself or herself in a situation of meeting someone or visiting a new place that somehow feels very natural, as if we had known this person or place, but have forgotten it.


Senior Report

The Senior Report addresses the issues that people face in later years and describes how you can maximize your potential in your later years to find fulfillment and meaningfulness.


Relocation Report

Combining the astrological analysis with good research on an area will help you identify the best places to vacation, conduct business, find friendships and romance, or move permanently. It is worth creating this report for yourself or for your family, clients, and friends before planning to move or going on vacation.


Health and Well-Being Report

This report is designed to transform difficult patterns in your life and manifest more of your positive potentials.

Astrological Reports
from $25.00

A variety of 14 different Professional Astrological Reports are offered to you, in order to answer your deepest questions for a fraction of the cost of an astrological consultation!

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